Often diagnosed as idiopathic, mysterious anxiety, restless legs syndrome is in fact due to high levels of toxic heavy metals and an elevated viral load in the brain or other areas of the nervous system. This neurological symptom that often interferes with sleep occurs when these heavy metals and EBV’s neurotoxins interfere with neurotransmitters and neurons, causing electrical impulses to take paths they’re not meant to, effectively short-circuiting. The resulting messages gone awry can create that uncomfortable leg sensation—or it can even cause restless arms or a restless torso. Celery juice helps kill off EBV and supports the removal of heavy metals.
Restless legs can be triggered by food moving through the colon. Sometimes people develop a little bit of gastritis because of inflammation from bacteria. As the gas bubbles are moving through the intestine they can hit inflamed areas—little pockets in the lining known as diverticulosis that could be caused by old E. coli or streptococcus. These gas bubbles traveling past can trigger restless legs because there are countless nerve endings in our intestinal tract. To better grasp this, it might be helpful to know that the intestinal tract is like a second nervous system.
This is one of the most irritating and common causes of restless legs syndrome. Gas bubbles moving through the intestinal tract irritate the nerve endings in the colon that are connected to the lower half of your body, which can trigger sensations in the legs.
Another aspect of the intestinal causes of restless legs syndrome can be related to low HCL and low bile production. Medical science and research are unaware of this cause also. When there are not enough bile salts coming out of the liver to breakdown food properly, the food that isn’t broken down goes through the intestinal tract and rubs against sensitive nerves. Incorporating celery juice into your diet can be an incredible support for those suffering from this particular type of restless legs syndrome.